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All Canadians can enjoy 12 years of free education in primary and secondary schools. According to the childcare subsidy policy of different provinces, the cost of preschool will be different. At present, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia all have free policies for full-time kindergartens for 4 to 5 years old.


The distribution of educational resources in Canada is equal. There is no ranking in elementary and secondary schools. Instead, they go to schools according to the nearest school district. There is no significant difference between schools. Parents do not need to insist on moving into a good school district and enroll in a good school. There is no need to pass a public test to enter a university here. If students want to continue their studies, they must complete at least 6 grade 12 U/M courses (courses for higher education) among the 30 credits taken in the middle school stage. ) Credits and get a high school graduation certificate. Therefore, daily learning and personal ability and achievement are more important.


Higher education in Canada is divided into two routes: university and community college. Universities focus on cultivating research talents, and their courses are more focused on teaching students' research ability; community colleges focus on cultivating practical talents, and their courses are more skewed towards practical employment. Depending on the school and subject, Canadian undergraduate fees range from CAD$2,600-CAD$12,000.

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The Canadian government provides free medical services to permanent residents, even if it is a major operation, there is no financial concern. A hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system will be implemented in Canada. If it is not an emergency, you can go to the family doctor first. The government is responsible for the consultation fee, and it can avoid the abuse of medical services. If you want to have a further examination in the hospital, your family doctor will recommend you to make an appointment with a specialist. Therefore, patients who go to the hospital usually make an appointment with their family doctor.


When you first arrive in Canada, if you cannot find a family doctor who accepts new patients, you can go to an exemption clinic, community medical center, or a hospital emergency center when you need to see a doctor. The doctors of exemption clinics mainly diagnose and treat simple emergency and trauma. Patients do not need to make an appointment and can go directly to the clinic and see the doctor in the order of first-come, first-come.

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"First-Time Home Buyer Incentive" is available, this Program provides eligible persons with interest-free funds to reduce monthly mortgage payments. Eligible first-time home buyers have an annual household income of 120,000 CAD or less, and the sum of the amount of an insured mortgage and the amount of incentives cannot exceed 4 times the annual household income. Buying resale houses will get 5% incentives; buying new houses will get 5% or 10% incentives; buying new or resale mobile homes will also receive 5% incentives. This policy allows applicants not to continue to repay the loan, and no interest is calculated. The borrower can repay the incentive amount at any time, paying in advance without paying a penalty. The buyer must repay the incentives after 25 years or when the property is sold.

In terms of housing maintenance and environmental protection upgrades, the Canadian government provides various subsidies, tax reliefs, refunds and other preferential policies. For example, purchase, construction or renovation to improve the environmental performance of the residence, the applicant may be eligible for a refund of up to 25% of the mortgage insurance premium.

The government will also provide low-income groups with low-rent housing. They charge a special fee based on a percentage of their income. For example, if you charge 25%-30% of your monthly income, high-income people would rather use the rent to buy a house, so most of the people who benefited are those in real need. Low-cost housing is not the same as a dilapidated small house. For example, if your monthly income is only 1000 Canadian dollars, you only need to pay about 250 Canadian dollars to pay the rent, but you may live in a two-bedroom and one-living apartment or a three-bedroom and one-living apartment.

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Employment Insurance, also known as unemployment benefits, except for being unable to work due to illness, moving to other provinces in Canada with your spouse and children in need of care, excessive overtime work and employers’ refusal to pay overtime wages, and poor relations with your boss which is not caused by you. These are acceptable reasons for application of employment insurance.

The time limit for application depends on the area's unemployment rate and the total number of hours worked by the unemployed in the year before becoming unemployed. The more hours you work, the longer you can receive, but the maximum is 45 weeks and the minimum is 14 weeks.

Unemployment benefits include: Compassionate care benefits, Family Caregiver benefit for children, Family caregiver benefit for adults, and Disability Benefits.

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Assuming every child under the age of 18 is eligible for Canada Child Tax Benefit, a monthly subsidy, and the amount of Canada Child Tax Benefit is calculated based on the family income and the number of children in the family.


Maternity and Parental Benefits receivers entitle up to 15 weeks of wages. There are two forms of childcare benefits. One is called standard, includes 52 weeks (12 months) of vacation and 35 weeks of wages (55% of the previous weekly salary); another is called extended, includes 78 weeks (18 months) of vacation, and up to 61 weeks of salary (35% of the previous weekly salary). You can enjoy up to 3 months of prenatal leave, and the postpartum parental leave can be extended to one and a half year, and both men and women can apply.


Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG), Canada Learning Bonds (CLB) and Education Savings Plan are also available. CESG provides a subsidy of up to $7,200 Canadian dollars for each child, while the CLB plan is for children who are in the first year of setting up Education Savings Plans. The government will give away $500 Canadian dollars, and then $100 per year until the child is 15 years old , a total of $2000 is granted from the government. When parents open an education savings account for their children, they can enjoy tax reductions and subsidies.

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There are pension (Old Age Security), retirement pension (Canada Pension Plan), spouse allowance (Allowance Program) and guaranteed income supplement, the amount will vary based on the citizen's length of residence in Canada and the past payment received.


Eligible recipients of pensions are permanent residents of Canada who are 65 years of age or older, and have lived in Canada for more than 10 years after the age of 18, and they can apply for the full amount after 40 years of residence.


Retirement is an insurance plan. It deducts a certain amount of pension contributions from monthly income. It can be received after retirement. After one spouse dies, the other can continue to receive 70% of this pension.


The spouse allowance is a living allowance given by the government to low-income elderly people. The application conditions are 1) the spouse or common-law partner is receiving pension and guaranteed income subsidy; 2) aged between 60 and 64; 3) Canadian citizen or legal immigrant; 4) living as an adult after 18 years of age Canada for at least ten years. The calculation method is based on the total income of the applicant and spouse or common-law partner in the past year, and the amount is adjusted according to the living index every three months.


Applicants for guaranteed income subsidies must have an annual income of less than 18,600 Canadian dollars. According to the data, the maximum monthly allowance for the first quarter of 2021 is $919.12 Canadian dollars. The income that is calculated based on pensions, living expenses, wages, unemployment insurance benefits, and workers' compensation or benefits from other countries. The lower of the person’s income, the more subsidies he/she will receive.

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