Other Hong Kong resident's
immigration programs:
【Program For Hong Kong Residents】
Lifeboat Immigration Program
Program features:
On February 8, 2021, the Canadian Federal Government enacted a new immigration measure known as the “Lifeboat Scheme Canada” by Hong Kong residents. Eligible applicants can apply for an Open Work Permit (OWP) for up to three years, and some of them can connect to Stream B: Canadian Work Experience to obtain permanent residency in Canada.
Application period: February 8, 2021 to February 7, 2025
Program features:
Simple application, No English test score or work experience is required
No restriction on the type of work
No residence restrictions
Open Work permit for up to 3 years, flexible processing time for permanent residency application
Hong Kong residents who are holding Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Passport (HKSAR) or British National (Overseas) Passport (BNO)
Obtain a minimum two-year college diploma or university degree from a Canadian college or university at the same level overseas in the first 5 years of application
Application Progress:
- Arrange job interviews based on the applicant's resume
Contact a local headhunting company for job matching
- Job vacancies provided by local partner organizations
After obtaining a job opportunity, collect relevant documents and apply for open work permit
Upon arrival, will assist applicant to settle down (Depending on the selected service*)
After the applicant has worked for one year, he is eligible to apply for permanent resident status
The application time varies depending on the individual applicant’s circumstances
* Additional services:
Arrange accommodation for the applicant and his/her family upon arrival
Assist in handling bank accounts and medical insurance cards set up
Local team provide support services if needed
Want to learn about job vacancies in other industries?
Learn more other Hong Kong resident's
immigration programs:
Stream A:
Study Pathway
Stream B:
Work Pathway